Friday, January 18, 2013

Week Two Review

So, the last few days of school have been horribly unproductive and unfocused. I think that that will improve as I get more into the swing of things after shaking up my school and work schedule in the last few days.

I haven't gotten my footing yet for my new writing class, so I'll need to power through the last two weeks of class notes before Tuesday morning.

I also realized that I should submit my labwork by the end of lab day, because otherwise I'll forget all the explanations from class when I go to submit it a week later.

My audiology classes are both going well for now. I haven't been paying super close attention in class because one class is a repeat from last semester and the other class seems like it should be easy to learn.

Sometimes I wish my family history class met more than once a week. I get so pumped about research on class day, then it slowly move to the back of my mind during the week.

That actually covers all my classes! Just 5 of them, which will probably feel overwhelming as I have more assignments and quizzes coming up, but for now, I'm okay. I'm not failing yet, and I don't think I will this semester. I am so ready for the coming 3-day weekend! We have family in town, so we're planning some good quality time with them and looking for ways to maximize some family history gathering.

And again, I really can't describe how wonderful it is to have people I know in class (and seeing them outside of class sometimes too). I feel so much more invested. I care so much more about going to class, participating in class, and wanting to do well together. It goes so much deeper than having an accessible study-buddy for test time. I feel much happier for it.

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