Friday, January 25, 2013

Week 3

It's been an interesting week. No school on Monday, my first week in the new writing class, a surprise opportunity to see the Phantom of the Opera on stage, and a surprise ice storm.

Audiology 1 - I missed class today for the first time because I was feeling sick this morning and they covered stuff I already know. I should check the schedule for any quizzes coming up, but the first lab is due Monday and should be super easy.

Audiology 2 - Sounds like we have a test next week, so I should double-check the calendar. The TA emailed a schedule for review sessions and I already downloaded all the semester's material from online, so I'll just need to study it.

Speech - This class is fun because I only have to go once a week. Unfortunately, I forget about every quiz or lab until the day it's due - so far, I've only lost 1.7 points because of my neglect, but I've been fortuitously reminded each time before the assignment closes online. Also unfortunately, I haven't been watching the online lectures like I should, so I do need to catch up in that. And I should probably write my assignments on a calendar that I look at more frequently.

Family History - We didn't get to meet this week, so that was sad. I keep doing research in long spurts once or twice a week. This week I realized that the husband I'm researching died when he was 35! I obviously hadn't done the math yet, but this sure makes things more interesting. Why did he die so young? A lot of the potentially relevant records I need haven't been indexed yet, so a lot of the work will probably involve learning how to read handwritten manuscripts from probate court sessions in the 1800's that may or may not turn up anything.

Writing - This is a tricky class. I think we are and will continue to learn a lot of good stuff in this class, but I'll be playing catch-up for probably another week. I joined the class in the middle of a big group project and wrote my first bare-bones draft when everyone else was writing their full-and-complete, ready-for-editing first draft. On the plus side, I got to see the Phantom of the Opera on stage for free! We're supposed to go see it and write about it, but tickets have been sold out since December, and a guy in my class had a ticket for last night's show that he couldn't use, so he gave it to me. It was a pretty cool performance, and it was adapted well for a university stage (and the Phantom was a PERFECT singer for the part). There was an article in the show's program that described why Christine and the Phantom are drawn to each other and why they don't work out, so the play became much more meaningful than the one time I saw the film.

There's my week. I'm doing extremely well on homework compared to my past record, which is great encouragement when the classes I'm not caught up in drag me down. And the ice has mostly passed now with the rain and warmer temperatures--that was a bummer yesterday when I was rushing to work and, after several near-falls, I fell in the middle of an empty street and scraped up my hands (it could be worse...but my hands have been through a lot lately) and got a hole in my last pair of good jeans, and ended up clocking in five minutes late. I just wanted to go home curl up with hot chocolate, blankets and band-aids, but with how my schedule worked out, it definitely didn't happen. Hopefully next week will be better emotionally and I'll get caught up in my writing class.

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