Thursday, January 17, 2013

Changing My Mind

I switched to a different writing class. Basically, it came out during class on Tuesday that I have differing opinions from my classmates on sensitive issues, so I ran away from the class because I was afraid (I'd hoped to keep my opinions private). It's not that religious studies is inherently controversial, but it can be a delicate topic to dance around because of the people involved. I prefer to stay on the safe side of the line, and I'm afraid of how I might react to people when I'm challenged/attacked. 

I went to my old roommate's English class and like the professor's presentation, so now I'm in "Writing about Art and Humanities." I had thought it would be like my freshman humanities course, but I liked the presentation style, and the instruction can be generalized to writing well in any genre. I don't know if I'll be able to write my research paper on family history or not, but I like what I've seen of the class so far. And with my old roommate in class, I can have a study buddy. 

I'll maybe give classes another week to evaluate if I need to meet with the teachers monthly, like I had planned on.

There are still a lot of things that I want to continue learning, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to take university classes for them or not. But with figuring out my schedule, I'm identifying family history and writing as two things that I care about and want to learn better. Maybe I was supposed to learn certain lessons from my current major that I would have missed out on if I had gone with a major that I would choose in retrospect. I guess that regardless of the past, the only direction I can go is forward.

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