Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

I've never been very good at making or keeping New Year's Resolutions. I often avoid even jumping on the bandwagon this time of year because if I need to make goals, I'm going to make them, and March first is as good as January first for a day to start. I want to take time and thought to make meaningful goals instead of being pressured by traditional deadlines.

One idea that's subtly pressed on my mind lately is how easily I get offended sometimes. When it comes to my husband, I rarely get offended by him, and if I do, it passes quickly. With my siblings, sometimes it takes a little longer to get over offenses. With acquaintances... I usually have to work through it on my own without further conversation with the (usually innocent) offender. I think that further personal contact with someone helps me forgive them faster, but I don't always have that chance, and not seeing someone again shouldn't be an excuse to carry around hurt feelings or a grudge, especially over silly or unintentional things. When I was home over Christmas break, my dad said in passing that one way to be happy is to never get offended, or to believe that no one is ever trying to offend you. So that's something I want to work on.

I'll probably come up with other ideas as well, but the timing of this goal happened to coincide with the New Year.

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