Monday, November 19, 2012

Another Beginning

I'm close to graduating with my bachelor's degree and have realized once again that I still don't know what I want to do with my life.

To make a long story short, I've been told since elementary school that I'm "living below my potential," and it's finally catching up to me. I look beyond college graduation and simply don't know where to go. I'm disenchanted with my field (speech therapy) which keeps demanding more school before I'm useful, disenchanted with my lack of skills after my undergraduate experience, disenchanted with the job market that seems to only value computer science techies and self-starters, and I'm mostly disenchanted because I've cheated myself out of learning for years.

This blog will serve as my thinking, planning, and reporting place. I might muse on what brought me to this point as a starting reference for reversing those processes. I'll include job-finding strategies and encouragement that my husband passes on to me. I'll hopefully take inventory of what skills, talents, or interests I currently have and consider how to use and improve upon them. Ideally, I'll write about the things I do and evaluate their benefits, and explore future possibilities.

I called this my Renaissance plan because I want to be changed by the process. I want to come out of this experience as a better, smarter, less-entitled, harder-working, more patient, intentional human being. I have a lot of blessings in my life, and I don't want them to go to waste because I was too lazy or too small to make something of them. I want to figure out where I want to go and make it happen.

So that's my game plan: establish a goal, draft a process to get there, and live it deliberately so that I'm invested and it becomes part of who I am. Let the journey commence.

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