Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Breathe... and Dive

Finals for winter semester came and went, as did the time between the last semester and this new one that started yesterday. I had (somewhat of) a breather, and now it's time to dive back into classes.

Final exams were a mixed success this semester, although it's hard to know what the final grades will be for some of the classes. The grades I got back were either expected or disappointing - no pleasant surprises this time (that I remember...). Things got pretty busy right after finals though; there were errands to run, and family visiting to keep my husband and I happily busy. We got to spend a couple days with both our parents, and other family and friends that came to celebrate graduation. It was downright blissful, in retrospect; it feels like there's never too much time spent with family. One of my old roommates got married on Saturday, and it was wonderful to attend the ceremony in the temple (my first time inside the Salt Lake City temple!) and spend some time with good friends. I love taking pictures, especially at social gatherings, and I feel like it's a gift I can offer the people attending. Even though they had a professional photographer who got beautiful shots, those photographs probably won't be available for a few weeks, so I felt pretty special when I posted my pictures on facebook and many people who couldn't attend the wedding were able to see most of the wedding day and offer their congratulations to the couple. I was also able to check out some outlet malls before school started again, and I scored some awesome deals, and found out that my pants have been baggy because I've been buying them a size too big (go figure). Brand new jeans in a classy dark wash that actually fit and look sturdy for $15 a pair? Yes, please!

So now the new semester, with my last class before actually graduating, has started. I opted out of taking a for-fun dance class for more scheduling flexibility, so it's just the business writing class. Today was the first day we met as a class. I like how clear the syllabus is, and I think if I read it every day, it'll help me stay organized. It's obvious that there will be homework and studying every day, but it also seems manageable. There's basically a grammar section, preparing memos and briefs, and a little practice with oral presentations. The writing assignments are small because we're focusing on writing concisely. 

One of the big challenges I'll have this term is using my time well. I anticipate it going like my doughnut struggle: when they were always around and fairly available (thank you, breakfast shift in the cafeteria and forgetting to pack lunch), I ate them way too often, probably about 6 a week. As time went on though, I knew it wasn't a healthy habit and I alternated a couple times between doughnut fasts and binges. After a week-long fast followed by an emotional binge, I realized that I just didn't enjoy the binge anymore, so I stopped. The temptation passed, and I probably haven't had one since. I found a balance that I was happy and functional with: I can eat doughnuts occasionally without the temptation to consume them uncontrollably. With time management, I envision it going like this: with the increase in unscheduled time, I'll binge on time-wasting activities for a while and get sick of it. After a few times of going back and forth, I'll find a happy, healthy balance of work and play. If it works, I'll feel an increased motivation to do the right thing when I'm dissatisfied with the unhealthy alternative, and self-motivation had been my worst academic struggle. 

Responsibility is calling now, so more blogging later when I've made some progress!

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