Friday, April 5, 2013

Week 14 - So Close!

I'm getting worn out thinking about the semester. School is so time-consuming! If I were spending as much time on schoolwork as I should be, I wouldn't have time for much else. And now that it's nearing the end of the semester, I'm increasingly aware of how much work there is. Combined with the rest of life's obligations, it's really easy to feel overwhelmed.

I've got a lot of labs I need to catch up on for my audiology class. That's frustrating because I'm not sure how to do some of the tasks required for them, the TA isn't available when I need her help, and I felt pretty stupid when I asked the professor about some of these basic things I've forgotten. Hopefully the TA will be able to help me next week...

My other scholastic stressor is my family history class. I got way behind in those assignments, and while I have some of the research already done, some of it wasn't good enough yet, and the volume of work for this class is also intimidating.

Dangit. I made such good progress at the beginning of the semester, and held out longer than usual. At this point in the semester, I'm still doing better than I've done in previous semesters. But every time, every semester, it's never enough! The semester ends in less than 2 weeks, and I'm behind in the work and afraid again! I'm never good enough to finish a semester strong. Every semester feels like another failure.

Looking ahead, I'm asking my peers about suggestions for my writing class that I need to take. I've gotten a lot of feedback, so I started asking for advice with specific classes. I would like to meet with my old English teacher and solicit her advice as well. If I can, I might try to talk to the actual teachers for the spring classes to learn more about their class and teaching style. Unfortunately, the class that's being so highly praised has a waitlist, and I don't know if I'll be able to get into it. So I'm trying to learn more about the various options and hopefully be prepared. This would probably be something really good to pray about.

I've got other responsibilities and things going on in life besides school, and it's hard to keep track of everything sometimes. I'm afraid that I might have to put everything else on hold for the next two weeks while I try to keep my school act together. I'm just glad that I have an amazingly supportive husband and that God sends little tender mercies that make a difference in my week.

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